Tuesday, May 18, 2010

¡Estoy aquí!

I have survived my first few hours in Colombia unscathed!

This morning, I forgot which airport I was supposed to fly out of, so I had to call Naomi and have her log into my email and check for me (thanks Naomi, you're a lifesaver). Oops.

After that, the trip went quite smoothly. The flight from Chicago to Atlanta was uneventful, and then I had an hour and a half layover in Atlanta. I took the opportunity to stretch my legs before boarding the plane for Bogotà.

On the plane, I took a nap and woke up just in time for the on-flight dinner. The food really wasn't bad, although it seemed like a random compilation of items lying around. There was an itty-bitty salad, cheese ravioli, a dinner roll, brownie, a tiny cup of water, a butter packet, slice of cheese, and club crackers. I then watched "Men Who Stare At Goats," a short nature documentary, and the first episode of "The United States of Tara." There was some really cool-looking lightning a little northeast of the plane. I tried taking a picture, but failed miserably. After about 20 attempts, I gave up.

Customs was no problem. There was a bit of a line, but it really didn't take long at all. Once I had picked up my luggage, I tried getting some Colombian pesos. The currency exchange doesn't take cards, and I apparently didn't have any USD on me, so the woman at the counter told me there was an ATM on the second floor. I falsely assumed that it would be easy to find once I went up the escalator. As I was clearly a bit lost, one of the airport employees and a boy standing next to him tried helping me out, but they apparently did not understand that I did not have any cash to exchange and the boy led me back downstairs to the currency exchange. I spoke briefly with a man behind the counter, and then the boy realized that I needed an ATM and led me back upstairs and down a ways. After that brief adventure, I was finally able to make a withdrawal. Success!

I then went outside and looked for Katie, a U.S. citizen who has been working at Laboratorio Gilete (I will explain this in a minute) for the past year and a half. I actually found her with very little trouble and we were off.

Riding in a car was pretty nerve-wracking. I'm a nervous passenger, but I didn't want to seem rude, so I distracted myself by talking with Katie and taking in the city. There were quite a few people wandering around, and it seemed like a lot of places were still open, considering it was after 10pm.

I will be staying in a hotel for this first week. It's a nice little room, but I think the walls are pretty thin. I'm tired enough that I don't think sleep will be much of a problem though.

Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in a little, have breakfast in the hotel lobby, and then catch a taxi to Laboratorio Gilete. Gilete is an Orthotic and Prosthetic Center in Bogotà. They do a lot of work with soldiers. I will primarily be observing tomorrow and getting a feel for how the clinic runs.

I took some photos today but have not uploaded them. Hopefully I can get them up in the next few days.

Until next time, faithful readers, keep it real.
(I feel like I should always have something witty to say at the end of a post, but alas, it's just not meant to be.)


  1. I'm glad you got there safely. Enjoy your stay. Watch out for laser guns outside. Pew pew!

  2. Also make sure you avoid unmarked taxis, etc. and be careful which ones you choose.

    I'm also curious if they have their own version of Montezuma's Revenge or something. Hopefully you can find out (and not the hard way!)
