Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mass & Conference Photos

Tonight I went with Katie and AnaCe to Santa Teresita, the church right around the corner from my apartment. Katie had said she really likes the 7pm mass because a lot of young adults show up, they use contemporary music, and the words for all the prayers and songs are projected on screens so everyone can see and follow along. What she didn't tell me was that it would be standing-room-only. The church was packed. Even though I didn't really understand everything that was being said, it was a really beautiful service. The priest was wonderful, his homily was engaging, and you could tell that he had a wonderful relationship with his congregation. The only mass that can really top this one in terms of energy and number of people relative to available space would be the March for Life Vigil Mass. The really incredible thing is that this mass in Bogotá occurs every week! Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera, so I will try to take pictures next week. After the mass, there were vendors selling tea and snacks outside. I can't wait to go back next Sunday!

The following are several photos from the conference. I realize it was more than a week ago, but better late than never. You will notice a distinct lack of mountains. That's because they are all inside, except for the first one.

This is just the outside of the building where the conference was held.

One of Gilete's tables at the conference and two of the girls who work in the office.

Tina's table (she works for a wheelchair company, in case you couldn't tell). She is sitting on the right behind the table talking to Eric on the left. They are both Americans who presented at the conference.

Snacktime! On the right is pound cake, nothing fancy. On the left is "Pony Malta," a malt-flavored soda. I really didn't like it, but just about everyone down here drinks it, so maybe it's just an acquired taste.

On the right is Dr. Gomez. He's trying out John's 'helper' Katie, who wears a reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO). The patient uses his/her back to help propel one leg forward, which in turn pulls the other back. It's a very cool contraption.

Laboratorio Gilete's other table. You can see Katie on the right.

Me with Katie, just before John's speech. Notice that each leg looks like it has a different orthotic. They are both for the RGO, but the one on the left is an over-the-shoe boot, which provides more support for the ankle. The one on the right has an in-the-shoe part that goes from the calf down the bottom of the foot.

Here's John at the end of his presentation showing the audience how Katie can walk with the RGO. John is the other American who was here to present at the conference

Here's the 'real' Katie, so for anyone who was reading the captions on the last few pictures and wondering if that was the same Katie I've been talking about, the answer is no, I'm not going crazy (yet). Katie works at Gilete as a physical therapist. She was initially only going to be in Colombia for 6 months, but has been here for about a year and a half already. Yes, she has dreads, and they're pretty awesome.

Here's Tina giving her workshop on how to properly fit a patient with a wheelchair.


  1. Have you ever seen both Katies in the same room?

  2. Lol yeah, they were together for just the one day. I promise I'm not that crazy yet ;)
